Yes folks, that’s plural. Meetings. And Notes is plural too! This English lesson is brought to you by the letter 12.
Not in any way to be construed as official type documentation, because my secretary, Miss Lexmark X1150 has a bad tendency to make mistakes. Bad Lexmark! Bad!
August 9, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. At 7: 10 P.M., Mayor Starkey called the Meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: C. James Moore - present Marian Garrett - present Robert Donham - present Scott Garrett - present Jodi Minotti - present Absent: Francis Ballard
Minutes of the July 12, 2005 Regular Council Meeting and July 25, 2005 Continued Council Meeting were presented and reviewed by Council. Jim Moore made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Shelley Craine presented the Financial Report for the month of March 2005. These were not found to be presented prior to this meeting. Adjustments have been made into the UAN system to bring the loan payment amounts up to date (Water Debt, Sewer Debt and General Fund Debt payments). A partial report for June 2005 is presented. The June 2005 Bank Reconciliation cannot be run because the system is not in balance. The Dangling Debt balance of $44,000 has not been found completely and has not been posted.
Marian Garrett made a motion to accept the March 2005 Reconciliation with a total of $329,409.92 in all funds. Second, R. Donham. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian Garrett made a motion to accept the March 2005 Payment Summary totaling $. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian Garrett made a motion to accept the June 2005 Payment Summary totaling $153,060.04. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Shelley noted remarked that the Village Council Minutes for 2003 and 2004 have been recompiled from "borrowed" records (from the Mayor and the Police Chief) and are now on file in the Village Office. These records were not found to be in the Village Office, nor on the Village Computer when she took over in December, 2004. These public documents were collected from other sources noted above.
Council President's Report - nothing to report.
The Police and Fire Department reports for July, 2005 were presented by Jim Moore.
Mayor Jess Starkey reported that a letter had been received from the Township Trustees requesting permission to run a storm drain in the Village Park at no cost to the Village. J Moore moved to accept. Second, M. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
The Personnel Committee report was given by Jim Moore. Two (2) meetings have been held with the Township Trustees and the Township Clerk concerning an operating agreement and an Exploratory Committee to report back to the Village and Township about a Joint Fire District. Exchanges of proposals have been made. There will be a brief Executive Session at the end of the meeting to discuss negotiations and any Fire District Legal Issues.
A request was received to increase the Utility Clerks' hours from 38 to 40 per week, thus making this a full-time position with all benefits. This will have to be presented formally in an Ordinance at the next Regular Council Meeting. The current clerk does not intend to take Health Insurance benefits.
The Finance Committee report was presented by Marian Garrett. She presented Ordinance No. O-2005-18 declaring it necessary in order to continue to provide services in the Village to increase the Village Income Tax by .5% effective January 1, 2006 for a period of five (5) years ending December 31,2010. J. Moore made a motion to suspend the rules to enable the Ordinance to be voted upon at the meeting. Second, M. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian, then made a motion to adopt the Ordinance as presented. Second, J. Moore. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
She presented Ordinance No. O-2005-19 declaring it necessary to place a .5% General Income Tax increase on the November 8, 2005 Election ballot, said increase to be effective January 1, 2006 for a period of five (5) years ending December 31, 2010 and notifying the Portage County Board of Elections to cause notice of the Election. . J. Moore made a motion to suspend the rules to enable the Ordinance to be voted upon at the meeting. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian, then made a motion to adopt the Ordinance as presented. Second, R. Donham. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
The Second Reading of Ordinance No. O-2005-12 to require owners of Rental properties (both Commercial and Residential) to provide information as to tenants and occupants. First reading was at the July 12, 2005 Council meeting. This will become effective October 1, 2005.
A large group of Then and Now Certificates in the amount of $61,696.39 were presented. M.Garrett moved to approve. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian suggested mat we set a tentative date for a Pre-Audit Engagement Meeting with the State Auditor's Office in advance of the 2004 Audit for Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 7 PM. Shelley will check with Ed Ranee from the State Auditor's Office to see if his schedule permits this request. The Finance Committee members will be working on the 2004 Financial Records to get them properly prepared for Audit.
Marian will check with the Portage Co Auditor's Office on the format of the July 2005 Planning Budget. Jim stated that the Council needs some type of Composite Page so the Council can make sense of the Budget.
Marian reviewed the transfers between Funds Request for the following: $41,4000.00 from Fund 5101 Water Operating to Fund 5721 Water Debt; $20,000.00 from Fund 5761 Water Reserve to Fund 5721 Water Debt; and $10,000.00 from Fund 5201 Sewer Operating to Fund 5741 Sewer Debt to cover all payments. M. Garrett moved to approve these transfers. Second, J. Moore. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Marian presented a request for the approval of Village Council for Village Administrator Kevin Knight to advertise for bid for a new 1-ton Diesel 4x4 Dump Truck with an 8 ft. bed, Meyers Snow Plow and a Tailgate Salt Spreader. The Truck is to be financed with a $1.00 buy-out at lease end. Kevin has completed the Bid Specs and has submitted them to Village Solicitor Mark Manlove for review. The payment will be taken from the Permissive Motor Vehicle License Tax Fund and the Street Maintenance Fund. Mark suggested that that a Bid Bond be included (which
Kevin noted that it is) and that the Length of the lease should be stated. M. Garrett moved to approve. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried. :
Shelley updated the Council on the Bureau of Workers Compensation amount due. Using the actual forms from the BWC, a 20% discount reduction was realized lowering the payment to around $109,000.00. We have to pay 25 % of that amount upfront and send a letter requesting a payment plan.
The Safety Committee report was presented by Jim Moore. Minutes of the August 2, meeting were given to Council members. A demonstration and video was given by the Police Dept. on the new Tasers that were purchased.
Jim mentioned that the Windham Police Dept. would be joinging the New Drug Task force for Portage County. The Dept. will join at a cost of $5,000 and the use of one (1) Windham Police Officer to participate. He will need Council approval when the Task Force is formed in order to join. The Jurisdiction of this Task Force will be County-wide.
Jim reviewed a request from Chief DeSalvo to add four (4) new Reserve Recruits to the Police force who will become Part-time Officers later when their Volunteers time is completed. J. Moore moved to accept. Second, S. Garrettt. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Jim reviewed a request from Chief DeSalvo that a document that was presented in February 28, 2005 concerning a number of Police Dept. issues be read into Council Minutes. A copy is attached to the official Minutes in the Village Office. M. Garrett moved to approve. Second, J. Moore. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
The Utilities Committee reported was given by Scott Garrett. He gave a brief update on USDA and CDBG grants/loan for the East Center Street new Sewer Line, mentioning that final approval of the Loan is pending.
An update was given on the discussion to require the Landlords to pay their tenant's utility bills as of January 1, 2006.
Kevin Knight noted that the Water Tower Improvements are still being worked on, but are behind schedule.
Streets and Sidewalks Committee - no report given.
The Village Building and Properties Committee report was given by Jodi Minotti. She presented the minutes of the August 3, 2005 meeting. It was discussed that the garbage and garbage cans in the Project and the Single Family homes. The committee would like to see these areas cleaned up.
Planning and Zoning Committee - no report given.
Jodi Minotti presented the Parks and Recreation Committee report. She extended her appreciation to Kevin for the improved Park Conditions. It was noted that the Villager gave good coverage to the OGSO tournament.
The Economic Development and Long Range Planning Committee report was given by Marian Garrett. She mentioned that she has been in contact with Joyce Gray from RCAP and that a Good Start meeting will be held this fall.
The Records Commission report was given by Marian Garrett. She sought permission to seek approval from Council to submit a list to the Ohio Historical Society for the destruction of Utility and Income Tax records. M. Garrett moved to approve. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Village Solicitor - no report given.
Other business - Kevin reported that the Street Maintenance Dept will be moving into a building near the Water Dept.
The Council recognized the following Guests: Tom Douglas from Horn Road mentioned that something needs to be done about the Noise and Speeding problems on Horn Road.
J. Moore made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:28 PM. Second, R. Donham. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
J. Moore made a motion to return to Regular Session at 8:45 PM. Second, M. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried.
M. Garrett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Second, J. Moore. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, S. Garrett, R. Donham, J. Minotti. Nays: none. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.
August 22, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. At 7:02 P.M., Mayor Starkey called the Meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Cal1: C. James Moore - present Marian Garrett - present Robert Donham - present Scott Garrett - present Jodi Minotti - present Francis Ballard - present
M. Garrett entered a motion to waive the Council fee for the Special Meeting. Second, J. Moore. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, R. Donham, S. Garrett, J. Minotti, F. Ballard. Nays: None. Motion carried.
A Resolution authorizing the Village Fiscal Officer of the Village of Windham to advertise for bids on the new Sewer line Construction based upon the specifications prepared by Arcadis/FPS for the East Center Street Waste Water Improvement Project and Declaring and Emergency was presented by Jim Moore. The first advertisement will be 8/28/2005, second advertisement will be 9/4/2005, the Pre-Bid meeting will be 9/9/2005, and the Bid Opening on 9/23/2005. Jim noted that this has been a long process beginning in 1998. J. Moore entered a motion to accept. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, R. Donham, S. Garrett, J. Minotti, F. Ballard. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Jim presented a document that indicated the Mayor's authorization to proceed with this meeting. A copy of this document will be given to each Council Member.
Other Business - Francis Ballard announced that due to continuing health problem she is notifying Council that she will not be running for another term, but will finish out the current term.
F. Ballard made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7: 25 PM. Second, S. Garrett. Ayes: J. Moore, M. Garrett, R. Donham, S. Garrett, J. Minotti, F. Ballard. Nays: None. Motion carried.