Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Unfortunate timing...

How many of us got up on Saturday morning and wanted to read the newspaper to see what was said about the Bombers going to State?  Likely many of us.  We weren’t too surprised to see that Kent State garnered the front page news by losing to Pitt.  It wasn’t too surprising considering they’re a major Division 1 college.  Right next to it though was an article about Windham.  Great!  We made the front page by having a great basketba….whoa, what’s going on here?

Its all about how the Village is in financial trouble?  Harrumph!  I can’t believe that they’d pull this one right when we are on the verge of great things happening!

The problem is that at least this time around, we’re probably the victims of unfortunate timing.  With the Village Council meetings being held on Wednesday evening, Thursday word would get out about what happened in that meeting, perhaps concerning Village finances.  Friday the newspaper journalist would contact the Village for comment to be put in the newspaper on Saturday.  So yeah, the timing sucks, but its not some disjointed conspiratorial agenda against Windham.

This time. 

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